The mission was schedule from June 18th-July 2nd 2021. Uganda was in the lockdown due to the new variant of COVID-19 pandemic. Church gatherings and schools were closed.

We gave out food: posho (corn mash), beans, rice, toothpaste, salt, match boxes to over forty families, and more than one hundred children benefited.

We shared Jesus to people and over ten people were saved. We gave out clothes to children, soccer balls, playing ropes and game toys. We had a church leaders meeting. We gave out a keyboard-Piano to Kapeeka Power Baptist Church

We dedicated a three acres land to construct “Ward Memorial Hospital,” "McQueen’s Academy School'', and "Glory of Christ Church". We contributed $1,500 towards the church land purchase and development.

Our Achievement

On July 21, 2021 despite the Covid-19 challenges a group of volunteers from United States visited Uganda to serve with us. They shared the good news of the gospel to the locals. Over 10 people got saved. We reached out to families that needed covid relief resources and donated food and home basic needs. In February 05, 2022 we started the construction of a medical service health clinic which provides maternity care and fighting malaria mostly in children under the age of 12 years old.

On february 02, 2022 a school construction started with the goal of providing quality education to children that don’t have access to education.

Previous Summary of the mission trip 2021

UGANDA JUNE 18, 2021

 On June 20, 2021, Isaac foundation set a mission trip to Uganda led by Isaac Mwesigwa and six other people.

The photo shows our group after launching a plan to construct a School and a Medical Center. The school will be aimed at helping children that are coming from under privileged homes.

The medical center will provide maternity care, vaccines for killer diseases such as malaria, polio and measles, and providing other health services to the surrounding communities.

The country of Uganda is located in East Central Africa. The Ugandan population is over 43 million people, but in Uganda, 41% of people live in poverty. Almost half of Uganda's population is under the age of 15, representing one of the youngest populations in the world.

Photo album of the grand opening of the Isaac Foundation School, Church and the Medical Center in Uganda on June 20, 2021

The group of six people lead by Isaac conducted a successful mission trip to Uganda on June 18th, 2021 despite the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic. Over 40 families and children were given home basic needs and the gospel.

The budget of $10,000 USD was used in conducting the mission trip.

The album shows the different homes we visited to share the gospel and activities during the mission

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Ronald 25 years of age

Ronald was born normal like any other child, but his sickness started as fever and later progressed to seizures and Ronald became paralyzed.

Ssekimpi Ronald 25years old. Video taken June, 2021

Video summary of 2021 Mission trip

Watch Uganda Mission Trip 2024 four minute video

Remembering those who died