Applications for mission 2024 officially closed. If you’re Interested in upcoming mission contact us as soon as possible.

Recap Mission 2024
McQueen school grand opening led by Isaac and the team from US was successful. The school was dedicated by Pasty McQueen. This school will provide access to education for children with low income families
Our mission team was able to partition six classroom for the McQueens new students including the dormentry for boy and girls
A medical mission was conducted, over 300 patients were treated with free medication, counseling and sharing the gospel
The prison ministry was successful, over sixteen prisoners got saved. They also received donations like foos, soap, clothes , toothpaste and sawing machine
June 12,2024 was the departure date
June 24,2024 was supposed to be the return date but we came back on June 23 due to unavoidable circumstances that happened
Yellow fever Vaccine. You MUST have a yellow fever vaccine. It is required by the government of uganda for all people that are travelling to Uganda. Book an appointment with your medical provider or call public healthcare centers and get the shot. Make sure you’re given a yellow fever book. Shots are scarce in the United states make appointments early.
Visa.You MUST obtain a single entry visa to Uganda. It is required at the port of entry. Note we will help you apply for your visa at least 3 at least month prior to the departure. Visa application link
Passport. you MUST have a passport within 6 months of validity
Covid-19 vaccine card is recommended or any proof of covid-19 vaccination. Please carry your card with you at the port of entry to Uganda.
2024 Mission Important Requirements
S mart T raveler E nrollment P rogram (STEP)
U.S. Department of State
What is STEP?
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
Benefits of Enrolling in STEP
Receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans.
Help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency.
Help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency.
Enroll in US travelling plan
FAQ About Uganda And The Trip
1.I’ve seen some reports of terrorism/violent crime on the US travel website. Are there any safety concerns I should know about before arriving in Uganda?
The concerns are not a threat. The US government writes these precautions in case something happens. We will make sure you are never alone and have precautions in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
2. My doctor told me that mosquitoes carry most of the diseases you can get in
Uganda (Typhoid, Malaria, etc.) What should I do to prevent getting
malaria/getting bitten by mosquitos?
We recommend taking your Malaria medications, prior to the trip according your provider’s recommendation. I would not worry about Typhoid because we will provide for clean bottled water.
3. The nurse at the health department told me that I needed all these vaccines.
What is mandatory to get?
Yellow fever vaccine is the only vaccine that is required. Other vaccines are not required but recommended.
4. I’ve heard that if I don’t have a VPN for my phone, people will steal my
information. Is this true?
False, people will not steal your information from your phone. VPN is only used in Uganda if you need to connect on social media like facebook. The Ugandan government banned some social media platforms in 2021. Avoid using free Wifi in the airport because scammers can use that to tap into your information. Always use the recommended airport wifi.
5. How will I communicate with my family back home? Will I ever have access to
WIFI? Should I use the data that my service provider offers when I land? Will I
need a VPN/WhatsApp/Google fi?
We will provide free wifi both in the village and in the city. Also your phone service provider always provides a travel pass plan, of $10 a day if you text or call. Note if you have WhatsApp you can call and text for free using wifi. Google fi wireless is another recommended plan that can be used instead of your phone service provider.
6. Where can I find the itinerary?
Missions itinerary is always on the missions page in pdf format click here to download.
7. What kind of clothes should I bring? I saw that it is right near the equator. Am I
going to be miserably hot the entire time? And will we be able to wash clothes
while we are there?
Uganda temperatures raises between 75 -77 degrees fahrenheit during day time and drop to 65 degrees at night. Pack light clothes, a jacket and possibly a raincoat. Clothes will be collected and taken to be washed every Wednesday.
8. You mentioned that there might be a need to spend some more money on the
Safari. What activities should we bring extra cash for, just in case?
Yes, bring extra cash ($40) for the boat cruise and the hike to the mountain waterfall ( Food and safari game drives were included in the previous fees)
9. What kind of tools do we need to bring for this trip? If I bring my own tools, can I
bring them back home, or will they be remaining in Uganda?
For this trip we need tools needed to build cabins, office desks and chairs e.g tape,measure,pencil,drill,screwdriver,levels,circular saw, impact gun, screw nails etc. you can always bring back your tools.
10. If we take a second suitcase for supplies, do we have to leave it there, or can we bring it home once it has been emptied?
Yes always bring back your second personal suitcase.
11. You said to bring American money, just in case. How much? And how do I exchange that money? What is the exchange rate? How do I know if I am getting scammed or not when I am shopping?
Always have at least $300- $500 dollar bills in hundred notes. Exchange rate keep changing. 1$ = 3,700 Uganda shillings. Always consult the guide before a purchase especially if you feel it is a scam.
12. I heard that is dangerous to drink the water. Will we have access to safe water?
It is dangerous to drink unclean water everywhere in the world. Clean bottled water will be provided at the trip.
13. What kind of food is safe to eat? How do we know?
Cooked food is safe, most fruits are safe, but always consult your guide before you eat or buy uncooked food.
14. I saw a lot of restaurants on the long drive to the Safari. We never stopped to eat.
Some restaurants do not follow sanitation precaution while making food. It may be safe for locals but could be unsafe for a new person.
15. What kind of transportation is there? Will we have to walk everywhere?
The transportation vehicle will be provide for the team. We also have a personal vehicle that will be available in the village that can be operated at any time. The boda-boda ( motorcycles) will also be used for transport.
16. What are the roads like? Are they safe?
Some roads are paved, others are dusty. Expect some to be bumpy so always wear your seatbelt.
17. Will we have electricity in the village?
Yes, there is electricity, however sometimes we can experience power outages. Pack a battery-powered or rechargeable flashlight.
19. Will we ever regroup? When we are doing these activities, will we be able to talk
about the next day’s plans and discuss our concerns, questions?
Yes, we will have a debriefing before and after each activity to share our experience and also to prepare for the next events.